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Quinta Caoba: The House that Jam Built

Jim Stott and Jonathan King are the founders of Stonewall Kitchen, a Maine company that produces high-quality, specialty food products. Relaxing in their Vieques home surrounded by floor to ceiling mahogany with their golden retriever Lilly at their feet, they reflect on how they came to find Vieques…

The house, named Quinta Caoba (Mahogany) by the hardware store delivery men who delivered load after load of wood, was designed by architect Wayne Rowly. With floor to ceiling windows and mahogany vaulted ceiling, it has a West Indian cottage feel with a British colonial accent.

When Jim and Jonathan step off the plane in Vieques their lives take a turn to the simple life… the beach, their house, their friends and, of course, Lilly.

How did Stonewall Kitchen get its start?

“We went to a farmer’s market in 1991 with some blueberry jam that we made,” Jim says. “That was it. There was no plan, no dream, no idea that it would be our careers, no nothing.  Before that we were both waiting tables in two different restaurants.”

“The name Stonewall Kitchen came from looking out our kitchen window at an old stone wall,” Jonathan adds, as they both laugh at the memory. Now, Stonewall Kitchen has expanded to add a restaurant and state of the art cooking classroom. It is one of the largest tourist attractions in Maine.

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